Nuestro programa se imparte desde el 5 de septiembre hasta el 26 de junio, de 2:30pm – 5:30 pm. Grupos acorde con la edad y nivel de lengua española de los estudiantes (según demanda).
 Consulte calendario 2024-2025
*Indique su selección para: 
Programa de 1 día (miércoles o jueves)
Miércoles (36 días)
Reserva de plaza: $200
Pago completo el 1 de septiembre: $2200 (Descontando reserva de plaza $2000)
Jueves (32 días)
Reserva de plaza: $200
Pago completo el 1 de septiembre: $1970 (Descontando reserva de plaza $1770)
Programa de 2 días (Miércoles y Jueves, 68 dias) 
Reserva de plaza: $200
Pago completo el 1 de septiembre: $4100 (Descontando reserva de plaza $3700)
* Se aplicará un Recargo de $200 a todos los pagos vencidos.
** Se aplicará un cargo de $200 a todos los cheques sin fondos.
Para matricularse, deberán rellenar y enviar a través de nuestra página web los siguientes documentos que se encuentran al final de este articulo (llenar por cada alumno): 
Student’s Form 2023-2025 and the WAIVER AND RELEASE 2024-2025
Una vez finalizado el periodo de matrícula y comenzado el curso, los alumnos que deseen incorporarse a las clases, deberán enviar un correo electrónico a solicitando plaza. Estudiado cada caso se responderá admitiendo o denegando la solicitud en base a la disponibilidad y fecha de petición.
Pagos vía Zelle: indicando el nombre del estudiante y el programa.

Para Registrarse debe rellenar el siguiente formulario

Selecciona el programa al cual desea inscribirse.
ENROLLMENT CONTRACT 2023-2024 AND Audio/Video/Photo/Directory Waiver Release Form Tuition Period: I understand that the classes provided by CENY CENTRO EDUCATIVO, Inc. (“CENY”) are not part of any degree or academic program and participation in these classes does not release my child from the requirement of attending a required program under applicable Laws. I understand that if for whatever reason I cancel the enrollment contract, ALL tuition for the Saturday &/or Weekday Program is payable, and I undertake to pay them according to the mentioned schedule. I also understand that I will be responsible for any bank charges of any check that is returned to CENY. I understand that CENY cannot guarantee that it is a nut, milk, or allergen free environment. I undertake to promptly inform CENY of any relevant children’s allergies am aware and medication necessary to address them, as well as directions for their administration. Submission of the enrollment agreement alone does not complete the registration process. Enrollments are not completed until the corresponding tuition fees and signed agreements are both received, and registration is approved by CENY. If enrollment is not approved any fees paid for the period will be reimbursed. To protect the privacy and safety of CENY students, personal information about student (such as student home addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers) will not be published on any CENY web page or disseminated to any organizations or media outlets under any circumstances. Class directories, which include student name, address and phone number are available should you choose to have your child included. These directories are only disseminated to students within the same home room. Student names, photos of students, audio or video recordings of students and/or student work may be published on official school newsletters or web pages, or shared with school approved news media, organizations or web services, with parent permission below. Please note that no permission is required for large group photos in which the students are not individually identified. RELEASE I hereby consent to the participation in interviews and monitored educational online communication, the use of quotes, writing and artwork, and the taking of photographs, movies or videotapes of my child and his/her activities by CENY. I also grant CENY the right to edit, use and reuse said products for non-profit purposes on its website, brochures and other materials. I also hereby release CENY from all claims and liabilities whatsoever in connection to the above.